Iz ovoga sam dobio 5,trebali smo svi da naucimo neku pesmu napamet al posto ja imam privilegiju kao jedina 5ica u razredu ja sam mogao da napisem svoju pesmu i da je naucim.Evo vam je,kombinacija dobra i zla,naravno dobro pobedi na kraju,skontacete valjda tekst sami sta sam u pesmi hteo da kazem,ja mislim da nije nista posebno ima boljih al ajde da vidim vase misljenje.Pesma se zove
God"s will (Bozija volja)
I walk trough the forest with blood on my face
Army of darkness is closing to me and I dont have enough space to escape
That strange creatures have red evil eyes and they are changing shape
They are closing to me,
I feel cold and fear in my body
My eyes are full with anger and they are bloody
They finally attack me and than miracle was happend
Shine breaks through my body
The weather is not more dark and cloudy
This was the God"s will
He dont want blood to spill
Now when darknes is gone I can lay on this holy ground and enjoy in this gift
that God gaves to me
And after that I am going to another dark place to eliminate evil
Because that is the God"s will.
God"s will (Bozija volja)
I walk trough the forest with blood on my face
Army of darkness is closing to me and I dont have enough space to escape
That strange creatures have red evil eyes and they are changing shape
They are closing to me,
I feel cold and fear in my body
My eyes are full with anger and they are bloody
They finally attack me and than miracle was happend
Shine breaks through my body
The weather is not more dark and cloudy
This was the God"s will
He dont want blood to spill
Now when darknes is gone I can lay on this holy ground and enjoy in this gift
that God gaves to me
And after that I am going to another dark place to eliminate evil
Because that is the God"s will.